Cues and Conditioning

Course Overview

Have you ever wondered how your horse knows what we are you are asking them to do? Whether it’s turning on seat aid or cueing them to walk on. Training underpins nearly everything we do with horses, but do you really know how it works (or why it sometimes don’t work)?


Maybe you have a horse who seems to ignore your cues or offers behaviours when you don’t ask them too. Having a horse who breaks into trot before they’re asked, throws their latest trick at you, refuses to walk on or can’t stand still when they’re asked can be really frustrating! Maybe you have a horse who knows lots of behaviours but they aren’t fully consolidated and reliable. No matter the type of training you use with your horse it is important to ‘get behaviours on stimulus control’ (the science term for teaching a cue). Learning the science behind how your horse learns in training will not only help you understand how you could solve those problems, but it will also help you train a horse to be soft and responsive to the cues given to them.

This course will take you into the science side of training and putting behaviours on cue so you can confidently train your horse new behaviours, and help create a harmonious partnership between you both, without any communication errors. If you’re an aspiring positive reinforcement trainer, or a horse owner who is looking to take their understanding of training to a deeper level then look no further! Click “Enrol Today” to learn about the science of horse training and join The NAC Science: Simplified course and community today.

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What’s inside?

    • How horses learn:
      -Associative Learning
      -Classical Conditioning
      -Operant Conditioning
    • What types of cues are there?
    • Conditioning: how cues are taught in training
    • Stimulus control: getting good responses
    • Generalisation: reliable responses, any time, anywhere

Course Details

This course is an instant access course. Click the “Enrol Now” button and you will be taken to the checkout to process your payment.

Once you have completed the checkout, you will be sent your order confirmation and portal login details shortly after. If you have any questions or queries, please email [email protected].

There are no entry requirements for this course. It is for anyone owner or professional who is looking to better their practice and expand their knowledge.

We recommend you have experience with horses before taking this course, and would like to highlight that course involves technical language so being comfortable with written and spoken English will benefit your experience.

For your learning and development, there are quizzes throughout the course to allow you to self-assess your knowledge at multiple stages. This course is a non-assessed course and therefore does not lead to certification. 

This course is an informational course aimed at Owners to further knowledge and skills. Therefore, course is not accredited and does not provide certification.

This is a self study e-learning course, hosted on our bespoke learning platform. Once you sign up you will receive a login and access to the course, from there the lessons will be released weekly, allowing you to pace your learning however suits you best.

You will also gain access to the NAC Community App where all our students, past and present are able to discuss and debate course topics and ask the expert tutors questions. Whilst there is no direct contact with tutors for this course, they are active in the NAC Community and The NAC Team is also contactable through the Student Support box.